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Phone Home

The opposite of anxiety is faith
If you don’t make enemies in your lifetime you aren’t standing up for yourself enough
Everything in life is additive
Never be the one
It’s ok to cry
The boot should usually match the jacket
Never pass up an opportunity to hang out with musicians
Think like a jazz musician
You are as big as the things that make you angry

A cashier at bulldog hotdogs once told me
"small people do big things"
after I told him my name translates to little crumb

Check the weather app every morning
If it’s raining and a little cold and you’re like ohhh my god but the walk isn’t even that long but it’s long enough to piss you off a little… just get the Uber
Water + butt = itch

Only boring people get bored
Diagonal will get you there faster, ALWAYS. I literally cross people’s yards just cause I think it will save me time
My soccer coach used to say streak the flank and don’t sit on your laurels
If someone else can do it, you can do it

Write everything down
I can’t tell you all my secrets

You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take
Say thank you! Often, and even for small things

Always unplug electric devices before leaving the house for fear of fire

Always arrive early to the airport
Pack extra underwear
If you want to make Charlie laugh just say anything
The early bird gets the worm
Always say please and thank you
Drink more water
Don’t walk into an empty subway car during rush hour (i.e. rat, bad smell, no AC)
No outside clothes on the bed
You can catch more flies with honey than vinegar
Pretty wine bottle doesn’t mean pretty taste
Eat your vegetables
If you’re having a problem… add to cart
Karma’s a bitch!!!!!!
Say what you feel
If you can’t figure out a problem, go for a walk
Respect your elders
Call your parents
Fake it till you make it
If you’re sick don’t drink cold water
Doesn’t matter what kind of sick, stomach bug, cold, fever with chills, it’s hot water/tea only which is 1000% a cultural thing but there
I don’t live by this advice but my grandma says don’t date a guy with clean shoes because if his shoes are too clean then he’ll spend too much time taking care of his shoes and not enough time taking care of you

If you find a toilet in your dream, don’t use it

If the path forward is clear then that means it’s already been cleared and you’re not walking your own path
Listen to the children
It’s not a sin to make a moodboard
Don’t ask your brothers for advice
When someone shows you who they are, believe them

I have to do what I have to do

Sleep 7 hours and 30 mins a night

Phone Home
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