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How to Say Hello in Polish
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Have a Polish friend or know an exchange student from Poland, Lithuania, Belarus, or the Ukraine?
Planning a trip to Eastern Europe?
Though many Poles
(especially younger ones)
know enough English to understand “Hi” or “Hello,” greeting people you meet in their native language is a great way to start a conversation and make new friends.
Just like in English, there are many different ways to greet people in Polish
—knowing these different phrases (and the customs that Poles use to greet each other) can be a major asset if you anticipate meeting someone to use them with.
To say "hello" in Polish, say "cześć." This very common, albeit somewhat informal greeting, is pronounced roughly like


Non-Poles may find it difficult to pronounce this word correctly. Following a "sh" sound with a "ch" sound is something that is almost never done in English.
"Cześć" is a little informal to use in serious social situations. While it's fine for friends and family members, some etiquette-conscious Poles may be offended if you use it the very first time you meet them.
"Cześć" may also be used to say "bye."


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